这个足球运动员是胖还是瘦用英语怎么说(Is This Footballer Fat or Slim)


Footballers are known to have different body types and sizes. Some footballers are tall and lean, while others have a larger build. In this article, we will be focusing on whether a certain footballer is fat or slim.

The Footballer in Question

The footballer we will be discussing is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, commonly known as Ronaldinho. The Brazilian retired footballer is famous for his impressive skills and tricks on the football pitch. However, his physique has been a topic of discussion among fans and critics.

Ronaldinho's Body Type

Ronaldinho stands at 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs around 176 pounds. Compared to other footballers in his time, Ronaldinho had a broader build, which led some to label him as "fat." However, his body mass index (BMI) shows that he falls within the normal range for his height and weight.

Physical Abilities

Ronaldinho's body type did not affect his performance on the football field. He was known for his agility, balance, and quick feet, which he used to navigate through defenders. Ronaldinho's ability to execute extraordinary moves was not hindered by his body type, proving that a player's success is not determined by their body shape.

这个足球运动员是胖还是瘦用英语怎么说(Is This Footballer Fat or Slim)

Diet and Lifestyle

While Ronaldinho's body type was not a significant deterrent to his football career, he has been criticized for his lifestyle choices outside of football. Reports suggest that Ronaldinho had a love for drinking and partying, which may have contributed to his larger build. Despite this, Ronaldinho was still able to maintain a successful career, showcasing that a player's lifestyle choices do not necessarily determine their athletic abilities.


In conclusion, Ronaldinho can be classified as a footballer with a broader build, but not necessarily "fat." His body type did not affect his immense talent and success on the football pitch. Ronaldinho serves as a reminder that body types and sizes should not hinder one's achievements and success in sports.


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